
by 07:25 0 comments

Semalam kecoh pasal penawaran gadis-gadis Syria untuk dikawenkan.

Ekceli I'm concerning more about, will they be exploited? Or Does they feel happy about this? Huhu
Pengerusi Aqsa Syarif, Dr Hafidzi actually said this was a slander to Ikhwan Mesir and Syrian women.

Dan kita pulak tak boleh lah nak cepat menyebarkan benda. Bila sampai satu berita, kena check dan siasat dulu. Ini lah sikap Muslim, bukan semua benda kita boleh share dalam fb tanpa tahu sahih dok berita tu?

I'm just feeling very sorry if that was just rumours. could you imagine, our Syrian sisters' dignity?

Janji khalifah kita mana? :(
#hijjaz song#



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