Dato' Mahadzir Lokman

by 04:31 0 comments
Assalamualaikum wbt

Today is Monday, and my class is cancelled in the morning. Coincidentally, there was this programme, "Emceeing for Dummies" by Dato' Mahadzir Lokman here in Puncak Alam. DK500. I grab this chance to meet and listen to his talk. Well, many of us still does not who is he.

Let me introduce him a bit cause I am a fan of him. Ngeeeeeeeee :D.
Affectionately known as Dato' Dale, his flair of languages and his cultural etiquette has made him a much sought after Master of ceremonies (MC) at many functions, both local, national and international as well as at social, corporate and government events. (http://www.dalemahadzirlokman.com)

I am fascinated by his ability for emceeing. A student asked him how he develop his interest in being emcee and having that as his job?

"From kindergarten." everybody was wowwwwwwwww. :P
"Naturally it happens. I got forced being emcee. Then along the way through out school years, I always got chosen to be MC."

Looking at him, we can know that emcee is very important and yet he can go internationally by just doing EMCEE! No one has been able to go that far. For every minister's children wedding, he always become the person being asked for. Chinese, Indian minister always ask for his help.

presenting : Dato' Mahadzir Lokman || A reknown emcee!

It's true, is not easy to meet him. Compact schedule throughout the week. Even the invitation for him never limited by language and geographical boundaries.

Spending some time  for students in Puncak Alam, I am not going to lose this opportunity hearing his presentation. A man who can speak up to so many languages. wow.

A few things that I can share if you are an emcee :

  1. you must be presentable, grab audience's attention. smile from your heart & stand straight. 
  2. do not read your text, it's the worst scenario.
  3. look at audience, they sure appreciate that.
  4. selawat before emceeing.
  5. try to learn several languages.
  6. know the protocols. how to pronounce word & names.
  7. must know current issues, read everyday. 
  8. indulge with people, dont just sit & socialize among you. mix with people.
  9. confidence! 
not much to be listed. but listening to his stories are more priceless. :)



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