
by 23:05 0 comments

"Mak, saya sayang mak"
You have to say, you have to appreciate.
Islam taughts us well.
Love has to speak out.

Allah sends me, sends us tests, but He sends also with that, many helps.
A must remember everytime, everything happens for a reason.
Its hard to keep that in mind.
Never to expect from others, but Allah.
For Him who showered us with much love and blessings, thank you Ya Allah.

For dear kakwani, sorry but thank you for the counselling haha.
You made my day ^__^

Too many unsung hero out there. :)
I wish I could see everyone's kindness.
And strongly wish others to see everyone's kindness too.
Unsung hero, you had contribute to a better world to live in :))




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